Monday, 29 July 2013


The Auspicious Guru Purnima day was celebrated in the Ashram premises on 22nd July 2013. Special Prayers and Worships were offered to All Gurus with Great Devotion and Love by all the Kriyavans with the Blessings and Guidance of Pujya Gurudev Paramahansa Atmanandaji .

The significance of Gurupurnima day was described by pujya Gurudev Paramahansa Atmanandaji and there was also a message from Gurudev wich was read out in this occasion. Many Kriyavans from far and near attended the function and some of them gave their talks on Guru Purnima.

In this auspicious occasion many people took Initiation, There was also Meditation sessions, Puspanjali and Prasad sevanam. Spiritual songs and music program was held in the evening. All enjoyed the Blessings of God and Gurus.

The Holly presence of Pujya Gurudev Paramahansa AtmanadaJi made the function spiritually more enjoyable.


 Dear Divine Friends,

The GURUPURNIMA DAY – July 22; 2013
The once a year most auspicious day is dedicated to the Gurus or Spiritual Teachers,  Masters or SAT GURUS.

This is a special day dedicated in the honor and memory of Teachers in General and Spiritual Masters in particular.

This is the most important day for students in general and spiritual seekers in particular.

This day signifies the birthday of the great Saint, Philosopher, Scholar, Author, Mahamuni Vyaas or Veda Vyaas. He was born, worked and glorified his life in the Dwaapar Yug. He was a contemporary of Lord Krisna and forefather of the famous and powerful Pandavs and Kauravs.

The survival of the Vedas and Vedic Culture was possible due to the dedicated, saintly, scholarly life and labour of Maha Muni Vyaas.
He was conceived and born in the rarest but highly significant conjunctions of stars and planets in the heavens
His father was the great Paraasar Muni, one of the greatest Astrologers, author and spirituality and meditationer. Paraasar Muni’s father was Shakti Muni, one of the most famous Saint, Sage and son of Muni Vasisth, one of the Gurus of Lord Ramchandra in the Treata Yug. Vasisth Muni was a Brahmarsi, God realized Master and contemporary of another great Saint and Sage, Viswamitra. Sage Viswamitra was also one of the Gurus of Lord Ramachandra, an incarnation of Visnu.

Vyaas’s mother was a Princess of a tribal Kingdom.

Sage Vyaas was a family person. His wife was a great scholar too and an expert in Ayurvedic medicine. Vyaas Muni had one son, Sukh Dev, the all time famous Yoga and Spiritual Master, who composed and taught Srimad Bhaagavatam with the help and inspiration of his father, the all time famous and immortal Vyaas Muni.

Greatness of Vyaas:

It is said that Veda Vyaas’s achievements in spirituality, knowledge, philosophy, compilation of the four Vedas, the six Ancient Indian Philosophical systems, are so great that, there is no branch of knowledge of which he is not Master. He has no rival. He actively helped Lord Krisna’s missions.

It is Vedavyaas, who compiled and collected the teachings of Lord Krisna and included them in the great Epic Mahabharat. This was subsequently known as the most famous Bhagabat Gita.

The spiritual merit of his birthday is so great that since then it is commemorated as the Guru Purnima Day. According to the Vedic calendar it is the Full Moon Day of the month of Aasaadha. According to the English calendar it is July, 22, 2013, this year.


Traditionally, this day, the students in general and spiritual seekers in particular, approach the Guru and humbly and with respect request him, to accept them as their disciples.

This day tradionally, the budding students start their learning process- Vidhyarambha.
This day in Dwaapar Yug, Vyaas’s son the famous Sukhdev, accepted Raja Janak as his Guru.

This day Vyaas Mini is worshipped honoured with Pujanam, Prayers, Meditation and gratefulness offered to Him for his immortal gift of knowledge.
All over India, all over the World, followers of Vedic Culture, including Hinduism, offer special prayers and pujanam and spiritual activities dedicated to all Gurus, who symbolize Ved Vyaas Muni.

This day, all students and disciples approach their Guru with fruits, flowers, donations and practice Yog, meditation, Japa, Prayers and at the end share sanctified food, Prasadam Sevanam together lovingly.

This Guru Disciple relationship is based on faith, love, positive attitude and spirituality. The Guru and his family consider the disciples as one of their children and the disciples consider the Guru as their father and the Guru’s wife as their mother and give them love, loyalty, labour with full faith and positive attitude.

This brings back the memory of Gurus and their Blessings and love and Inspirations to keep going and progressing, overcoming all obstacles.

The famous Prayer to the Guru:

OM DHYAAN MOOLAM GURUR MURTIM - meaning is the form of the Guru should be meditated upon in the beginning and it promotes concentration and spirituality.

OM POOJA MOOLAM GURUR PADAM – meaning one should approach the Guru with humbleness, faith and positive attitude and devotion.

OM MANTRA MOOLAM GURUR VAAKYAM – meaning, one should listen to the Guru’s talk with close attention and meditate on its meaning and significance and do Saadhana accordingly.

OM MOKHYA MOOLAM GURUR KRIPA – when the Guru blesses from his heart, it leads to spiritual advancement and self realization.

In addition to spiritual and educational Gurus, the other most important Gurus are:
The first Guru is the mother who is constantly saving, nourishing and educating the baby from the day of conception, birth, childhood and keeps on blessing throughout life. One should never neglect this first Guru.

The second Guru is the father, each person in fact is the reappearance of the father who protects, supports, educates and blesses life long.  One should never neglect this father Guru.

One can never repay back the debt, one has received from the 1st Guru, 2nd Guru and spiritual Guru who gives a new destiny (Samskaara) to the disciple.
On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima let us express our gratitude and love and respect for the Gurus and bow to them humbly and with love.

Paramahansa Atmanandaji


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